your synagogue is special because it brings people together. let the JCalendar do just that with your information. simply plug 'n pray.


plug 'n pray

The JCalendar synagogue solution is a dynamic, versatile program developed to inform and engage. The turnkey system automatically and brilliantly integrates the many intricate aspects of calendars, schedules, and timings to keep your congregants updated with to-the-minute data. All multimedia and text objects can be set to appear at any date and time and reoccur at a specific frequency such as weekly, yearly etc. with only initial input on the system. Featured in a stunning display of your choice, the possibilities for an effective presentation are only limited by your imagination.


Your synagogue is unique. Let your JCalendar be unique as well. With endless custom options, the JCalendar will ensure your needs and wants meet on a custom display. Request a live demo and learn more about what JCalendar can do for your synagogue.

JCalendar is also known as: Jewish computerized calendar, digital luach, electronic luach, computerized luach, electronic calendar, digital calendar, computerized calendar, electronic zmanim board, digital zmanim board, computerized zmanim board, automatic luach, automatic zmanim, automatic calendar, shul board, synagogue board, shul luach, shul zmanim, synagogue zmanim, parsha board, shul display, synagogue display, shul sign, automatic display, automated message board, shul message board, Jewish clock, Jewish times, sefira board, mashiv haruach board, tal umatar board, tal umotor board, sefirat haomer board, sfiras hoomer board, yaaleh veyavo board morid hageshem board, al hanisim board, parsha board, remote sign, shul lcd tv display, information display, indoor / outdoor digital signs, synagogue lcd board, information signs digital yahrzeit board, computerized yahrzeit board, electronic yahrzeit board, digital sfira board, jcalendar, 877jcalendar, 800jcalendar, 1-877-jcalendar.
Our computerized luach and electronic calendar board signs are used to display: digital zmanim, davening (prayer) times schedule, shiurim (lessons) times schedule, yharzeit information, ner lamaor, parnas hayom and, donor recognition, shalosh seudos donor information and much more.
All zmanim and special prayer changes/additions are automatically updated on the shul's sign. Including: sefiras haomer, yaale veyavo, al hanissim, mashiv haruach / morid hageshem, shul messages and announcements.

Using the latest technology available, Bee Zee Systems is the #1 trusted provider of digital signage solutions to synagogues worldwide.